Laptop, programmingIn engineering education, I started the software world with matlab and fortran trainings. I continued on the matlab, where I liked the working environment more. I wrote several codes during my engineering education. I was sensitive in number studies in accordance with engineering calculations. I continued the codes I wrote by verifying the data. So I improved myself in algorithm design, operators and testing.

I continued developing code with Matlab in engineering master's degree. I wrote a program that creates synthetic data and draws graphics according to the parameters given in my the thesis. By developing the same program, I produced different models by changing the source type in the data with different subprograms. I made analysis and evaluations from the produced data.

In my business life, I continued the software world that I was curious about. I learned SQL with my own studies. I did basic work with PostgreSQL. Then I worked with HTML, basically CSS and Javascript. I also organized this website with this information.

I wrote the to-do list web software with Angular. By developing the project, I created a new project that can be personal payment track. I continued with Front-End development with a freelance project I was involved in my spare time.

I am interested in artificial intelligence projects. I researched artificial neural networks and applied them in matlab. Now I'm concerned with phyton. We see that the evaluation of increasing data in the developing world has become more and more important day by day. Therefore, I plan to improve myself on data analysis.


HTML CSS Javascript
Angular Matlab SQL
Front-End Developer Web Developer UI/UX
Artificial Neural Networks Data Analysis Phyton(New)